Colorful Meter Cancels

  Meter Cancels or Franking Machine Stamps (sometimes abbreviated as FMS) occur in all kinds of forms and with a multitude of images.
Companies use the stamps to advertise products or services, Institutions use them to attract attention to charities, and Organizations may use the space to announce events.
These stamps are a true paradise for the thematic collector. There is a stamp print of almost every motif.

Here are some actual examples from past years (at about 200% of actual size!)










  A meter cancel usually consists of 3 blocks:

1. The right part is the "value stamp" (franking value)
2. The middle part is the "date stamp" (date of use and city name)
3. The left part is called the "flag" (or illustration).

The following order of the three blocks is sometimes changed as seen here:



(this one is at 100% of actual size)




In the Netherlands meter cancels are printed in the color red. That is why they are often called "red frankings".
Above prints show this.
But,  there are also examples of 2-color stamps, mostly red and blue, red and black or red and green.
Below are some telling examples.












Meter Cancel

It is obvious that these meter cancels are a welcome addition to exhibition collections.


(Note: this page is limited to Meter cancels from the Netherlands.)


Looking for more examples on Meter cancels or study material? Here are a few suggestions.




Author: Toon Oomens (March 2019)


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